
Become a Member

LAND is a member-supported organization. Since 2009, LAND has commissioned over 200 exhibitions, programs and performances from over 400 artists.

LAND members share in our belief that art should be available to all- that artists with bold and ambitious visions deserve support outside of traditional institutions, and that our communities benefit from increased access to contemporary art. Members provide crucial annual support, 75% of LAND is supported by individuals like you, which enables all of our public programs to be completely free and accessible to all. Your support goes 100% toward program costs, including artist honorariums, performer fees, production expenses, and more.

In gratitude for your commitment to our mission, we have a number of membership levels and benefits available. Being a LAND member directly supports groundbreaking, public, contemporary art programs in LA. Become a member of this inspiring community today! For questions or more information, please contact Christopher Mangum-James at


Member Levels
Patron Levels
For Sponsorship opportunities, please contact

Christopher Mangum-James

Deputy Director

(323) 776-6629

Previous Land Sponsors

Celebrate LAND's 15th anniversary with a gift. Donations to LAND ensure that we can continue to produce artist-led site-responsive free art projects and programs throughout Los Angeles County. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. LAND is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Our EIN/Tax ID number is 27-0250572.

Donations can be made online through the form below or you can mail your contribution to LAND's HQ at 2021 W Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90018.

For questions or more information, please contact Christopher Mangum-James at

Thank you for your support.

LAND Board
Edgar Arceneaux
Tré Borden, Vice President
Geraldine Chung
Allison Gorsuch Corrigan
Laura Hyatt
Karyn Kohl
Kelsey Lee Offield, President
Honora Shea
Cole Sternberg, Secretary and Treasurer
Ben Weyerhaeuser
LAND Advisory Board
Allison Agsten
Stephanie Brown
Christine Y. Kim
Liana Krupp
Abby Pucker
Brian Salzman
Jonathan Schurgin
Nomadic Council
Aviva Covitz
Marc Covitz
Danny Caballero
Karen Hillenburg
Kelly Lamb
Stephanie Morton Millstein
Kim Allen-Niesen
Aurele Danoff Pelaia
Michael Silver
Yasmine Zodeh
Nomad Patrons
Offield Family Foundation
Visionary Nomads
Fran & Ray Stark Foundation
Butler Family Foundation
Ben Weyerhaeuser
Project Sponsors
The Krupp Family Foundation
Brenda Potter
Grants and Foundations
City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture
The James Irvine Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts
Pasadena Art Alliance
Perenchio Foundation