Compilations of COVID-19 Resources for Artists

Compilations of COVID-19 Resources for Artists

COVID-19 & Freelance Artists

This list is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. This includes, but is not limited to, actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc.

Los Angeles County Arts & Culture

The Department of Arts and Culture is continuing to support LA County's Arts and Culture community in any way we can. Find a multitude of resources below from a variety of sources including LA County officials, local municipal arts and culture agencies, and state and federal agencies. Also find resources for nonprofit organizations, funders, and freelance artists.

DCA Arts Resources During COVID-19

List compiled by the LA City Department of Cultural Affairs, continuing to empower LA’s vast arts community.

California for the Arts

COVID-19 resources compiled by California for the Arts including letters, petitions, surveys, and information on government subsidized aid.

Creative Capital

Includes local and national grants and other resources

Artists Fellowship

Compilation of emergency aid resources for artists

Women in Sound

An ongoing list of free and discounted educational resources, software licenses, webinars, online courses, and enjoyable media for these uncertain times.

LA County Arts

As information about the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, the Department of Arts and Culture is continuing to support LA County's Arts and Culture community in any way we can. Find a multitude of resources below from a variety of sources including LA County officials, local municipal arts and culture agencies, and state and federal agencies. Also find resources for nonprofit organizations, funders, and freelance artists.

California for the Arts

Information about the CARES act, letters, petitions, and surveys, and the latest news on artist grants and support for artists in California.


A Daily Report on How COVID-19 Is Impacting the Art World As international governments take increased precautions to limit the spread of the coronavirus, museums, fairs, and festivals are facing closures and delays.

Authority Collective

Authority Collective is organizing mutual aid to connect donors with artists and journalists who need it. This compilation highlights resources for freelance creators of color. Updated on April 8th.

Cultured Mag

In our continued support of the community that helps make CULTURED what it is, we’ve compiled a list of emergency grants and funds for artists, activists and freelancers of all stripes—often those who make their own hours are facing a one-two punch of no work and no fallback. Because efforts to support those in need will be ongoing, we’ve also included a list of other such lists, as well as additional resources. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, you might find it at one of the other links. Most grants apply to artists living inside the U.S.


We invite you to consult and share widely our compiled list of mutual aid/emergency resources, funds and petitions for artists, art organizers, freelancers, and others who are impacted by the COVID-19 closures.


A giant list of helpful resources for artists within the U.S. and internationally. Contains everything from emergency grants to inspirational outlets to pass the time.

Fountainhead Residency

National resources as well as resources specific to the Miami area for artists and freelancers.

handheld handmade

Emergency relief for artists and small businesses nationally.

Care if You Listen

We are compiling a round-up of as many emergency funding sources and additional resources for artists as we can find. We will continue to add to this listing as more resources become known and available. Updated 4/19

Artwork Archive

We, like many other arts organizations right now, have compiled a list of emergency resources for artists as well an ongoing list of crowdfunding efforts to provide financial relief for artists. If you have a resource that we haven’t mentioned, please send us an email and we will add it to the list. This is an evolving list that we will be over the next few weeks.

Creative Capital

In times of crisis, artists are often among those most affected. In addition to health concerns, this is a challenging moment for many in our community as we deal with cancelled income and trying to make plans during uncertain times. Creative Capital has always been anchored by a rich spirit of community and mutual generosity, and we believe that continuing communication and exchange are crucial for all of us. As COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States, we have created a list of resources for artists working in all disciplines, as well as arts philanthropists, and arts professionals. Updated daily.

Los Angeles Times

The Times has compiled resources for entertainment industry workers, those in the music industry, food industry and parents. Here are more resources specifically for artists. List compiled April 3rd.

Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund

The Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund is intended to help those pursuing careers as artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is for those who self-identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color). If you fit this description and you are in need of short-term, immediate financial assistance – we would like to help. Please answer the questions below, and we will contact you if needed.

New York Foundation for the Arts Emergency Grants

Comprehensive listing of national and localized grant opportunities. This compilation is updated daily.

Artnet News

Artists will qualify for the federal government’s CARES Act and a stimulus package will be making direct payments in the weeks to come. Plus, organizations are springing up to help connect artists to employment opportunities and grants every day. So if you’re an artist who needs help bridging the gap, here is a list of resources to help with rent payments, medical bills, and more (and a few for art writers, too).

Common Field

This list is for arts organizers - please add resources, ideas, thinking and information surrounding best practices during pandemics and other emergencies. This is an OPEN document. Please add information and link URL’s to text. Feel free to add a brief description of the resource you are adding. This is an open, crowd-sourced list. Please add information by category and add new categories if you have them. Please be mindful not to change the open sharing settings so everyone can continue to have edit access. As you add to and use this document, try not to remove resources that others need.

One Degree

At One Degree we always strive to provide comprehensive, updated and accurate community resource information. During the COVID-19 outbreak we maintain that same commitment and are happy to provide this guide as a quick and effective reference to resources you might need during this period. Updated daily.

Ongoing Google Doc of opportunities by region

A comprehensive spreadsheet of national and international relief funds for artists, writers, performers, and much more. This list precisely details whether the grants are ongoing, their location, and the amounts offered.