The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project Culminating Weekend Kickstarter Campaign
The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project is part of the Art Basel Crowdfunding Initiative on Kickstarter!
Begins: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 10am PST
Ends: Saturday, February 21, 2015 at 10am PST
About the Culminating City-Wide Exhibition:
To mark the culmination of the 20-month and 2,415-mile cross-country project, The Manifest Destiny Billboard Project, LAND will present a weekend exhibition of artist-curated programs in June 2015. Venues and organizations throughout Los Angeles will collaborate on programming to share each of the 10 artists’ projects, along with new activations and events, to explore the complex thematic of Manifest Destiny, and its repercussions in Los Angeles. This weekend-long exhibition will take place at various locations throughout Los Angeles, and all will be free and open to the public. LAND is committed to producing this ambitious weekend of events, and will engage local communities in this critical exploration of American cultures and westward mythology. This Kickstarter campaign is critical to the success of the exhibition overall.
About the Art Basel Crowdfunding Initiative:
Art Basel and Kickstarter have partnered to catalyze much-needed support for outstanding non-commercial art projects. This new initiative presents jury-selected art projects to a global community of potential benefactors, including Art Basel’s audience and Kickstarter’s community, who have pledged over $1 billion to creative projects. The goal is to support non-profit visual arts organizations, at a time when public funding for the arts has been dwindling, by sharing their stories, generating contributions, and reaching out to new audiences.
Video produced by Terry Chatkupt / Pine Flat Studios
Special thanks to Art Basel, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, LAND’s Nomadic Council, the Offield Family Foundation, Lamar Advertising Company, and Clear Channel Outdoor.
Video and Slideshow Image Credits: Mario Ybarra Jr. footage excerpted from “Barrio Aesthetics” video by Third World Creative Studio; John Baldessari “Love and Work” documentation photographs by Jennifer Siu-Rivera; Eve Fowler “it is so, is it so” photographs courtesy of Max Fields; and Castration Squad reference images “Castration Squad Manifesto” and “Shannon Wilhelm and Dinah Cancer” courtesy of Creative Commons License 2.0 and Alice Bag (flickr user alice_bag). Unless noted in these credits, all images are otherwise courtesy of LAND (Los Angeles Nomadic Division) and the artists.