National Support

PETITION: Justice for George Floyd

Demand immediate arrest of the remaining 3 officers involved in George Floyd’s murder.

Demand appointment of an independent special prosecutor to lead the federal government’s full and impartial investigation of the murder of George Floyd.

Demand reinstitution by the Department of Justice of consent decrees on police departments and municipal governments across this country that have demonstrated patterns of racism towards and mistreatment of people of color.

Demand sweeping police reform–federal legislation mandating a zero-tolerance approach in penalizing and/or prosecuting police officers who kill unarmed, non-violent, and non-resisting individuals in an arrest.

The Movement for Black Lives

The Movement for Black Lives Fund supports Black-led rapid response efforts and long-term strategy, policy and infrastructure investments in the movement ecosystem.

Your dollars will be put to work where they are needed most.

The Movement for Black Lives is made up of hundreds of organizations that coordinate actions, messages and campaigns. Organizations like: Black Alliance for Justice Immigration, Blackbird, Black Lives Matter Network, Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, Blackout Collective, Black Youth Project 100, Color of Change, Dignity and Power Now, Freedom Inc, Million Hoodies Movement for Justice, Organization for Black Struggle, Project South, Southerners on New Ground, UndocuBlack Network, Law4Black Lives, Black Movement Law Project, Community Justice Project and many others. Please consider making a donation.

Reclaim the Block

By donating, you will support Reclaim the Block’s work to make sure that our communities have the resources they need to thrive. Our grassroots group is up against the deep pockets of the Minneapolis police union, and we need your support. Please consider making a donation.

Black & Pink

Black & Pink is a national prison abolitionist organization dedicated to dismantling the criminal punishment system and the harms caused to LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by the system through advocacy, support, and organizing. Please consider making a donation.

The Marshall Project

The Marshall Project is a nonpartisan, nonprofit news organization that seeks to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about the U.S. criminal justice system. We achieve this through award-winning journalism, partnerships with other news outlets and public forums. In all of our work we strive to educate and enlarge the audience of people who care about the state of criminal justice. Please consider making a donation.

In Memory of Tony Mcdade

On May 27th, 2020, Tony McDade, a black LGBTQ person, was shot and killed by a Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) officer. 

Many details surrounding this incident are unclear, but we are asking the community for support during this difficult time. 100% of funds collected here will go to Tony’s family.

This fund is established to cover funeral and burial expenses, mental and grief counseling,  and to assist Tony’s family in the days to come as they continue to seek justice for Tony. 

All funds collected on this website will be withdrawn to a designated family member (Tony’s mother). Please consider making a donation.

Justice for Breonna Taylor

Breonna Taylor was an award-winning EMT and model citizen. She loved her family and community. She worked at two hospitals as an essential worker during the pandemic.

One month ago, a division of the Louisville Police Department performed an illegal, unannounced drug raid on her home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her. Please consider making a donation.

I Run With Maud

This fundraiser was designed to assist Ahmaud’s mother; Ms. Wanda Cooper-Jones and her immediate family with financial support during this extreme difficult time and in their struggle for justice for the murder of Ahmaud Marquez Arbery.  Ahmaud was my best friend so I want to do everything possible to bring honor to his name and make sure justice is served. ALL donations are going towards the fight for making sure justice is served and to ensure that Ahmaud’s mother has the resources they will need.  Having to grieve and deal with getting justice, are already two major burdens.  The goal is to help lighten the load by eliminating the financial burden as much as possible. Please continue to share Ahmaud’s story until justice is served for those responsible for his death. Any donations will be MORE than appreciated by Ahmaud’s family. Please consider making a donation.


Natl Resource List #GeorgeFloyd+

This Google document contains many of the community bail funds, memorial funds, political education resources, the names of organizations to put on your radar, and general advice/tips for people attending protests or using social media as an organizing tool.

National Police Accountability Project

National Police Accountability Project (NPAP) is a 501(c)(3) organization and a project of the National Lawyers Guild, which was founded in 1937 as the first racially integrated national bar association. In 1999, NPAP was created as a non-profit to protect the human and civil rights of individuals in their encounters with law enforcement and detention facility personnel. The central mission of NPAP is to promote the accountability of law enforcement officers and their employers for violations of the Constitution and the laws of the United States. Please consider making a donation.

Communities United for Police Reform

Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) is an unprecedented campaign that is working to end discriminatory policing in New York. We are advancing policies that protect the safety and rights of all New Yorkers to create true community safety. We are in the courts fighting to hold police accountable for violating New Yorkers’ constitutional rights. We are training communities to know their rights and to observe and document police abuse. We engage in strategic direct action, organizing and civic engagement to build the power of communities most impacted by abusive policing. And we are in Albany and at City Hall demanding law and policy changes that advance police accountability to improve safety for communities. Please consider making a donation.

Homeless Black Trans Women Fund

This is fund for the community of Black Trans women that live in Atlanta and are sex workers and/or homeless. So far, we have been able to get 5 girls cell phones, gotten them hotel rooms during vulnerable times, and got 2 housing in a rooming house. This fund also covers food and necessities. Atlanta has almost no resources for Transgender women, so I took matters into my own hands. Please consider making a donation.

Mutual Aid Fund for Sex Workers of Color

Although income for millions of Americans disappeared over night, bills for rent, electricity, gas, all insurance, phone, childcare expenses, family members,  are still expected to continually be paid. Sex workers are not an exception to this rule. With most businesses closed and sex workers not being eligible for any kind of unemployment or federal relief, a lot of sex workers have a tough decision to make. Continue to work and risk contracting COVID-19 or stop working and face possible homelessness when eviction proceedings begin again while not being able to afford food or any other necessities. What Sex Workers are now facing is literally a life or death situation without any relief in sight. Please consider making a donation.

Healing Minneapolis: Fundraising

A spreadsheet with businesses local to Minneapolis and St. Paul that require repair. Links to funds for mostly small businesses. Please consider making a donation to any of these businesses.


Derek M Chauvin is a Minneapolis police officer who killed George Floyd on Memorial day. May 25, 2020. The chokehold he used isn’t even LEGAL in MMA, because it can kill someone in MINUTES. He has done this so many times against Latinos, Native Americans, and Black people. In 2008 he shot an unarmed Black man, he was one of the officers that helped MURDER Wayne Reyes, a Latino man, with SIXTEEN bullets.

He is guilty. What he did was premeditated/planned because it’s well known that the chokehold is deadly. Raise the degree. This is first degree murder. People of color will not be silenced by this system any longer.

PETITION: The Minneapolis Police Officers to be charged for murder after killing innocent black man

Monday May 25. 2020 Minneapolis PD murdered an African American man who was unarmed and not dangerous. This whole incident makes me sick. The power that comes with the PD is old news. It’s 2020 and we still have racist police officers murdering innocent civilians. This is bull sh*t. I don’t care if the officer were to be red, blue, yellow, black, or purple. The man murdered another human being for no reason. He was getting some sick satisfaction of crushing this man’s neck. He sat there crushing his neck cutting off his air passages. The man started bleeding from his nose before going unconscious. The Police Department remained completely unphased by it. One officer checked his pulse after the man went unconscious. At this point the man was gone. He was murdered for what reason? This was no medical condition. And even If the man had any medical condition whatsoever he would still be alive today had this officer not spent over 15 minutes crushing his throat. The man was NOT fighting back at this point. Everything was under control. Yet the officer continued using excessive force. 

PETITION: Pass Georgia Hate Crime Bill

Over the past three years, the Georgia State Legislature has failed to pass a hate crime bill. Georgia is one of four states without a hate crime law. House Bill 426 relating to Hate Crimes has passed the Georgia House and is stalled in the State Senate. Specifically, if passed, the bill will enact “the Georgia Enhanced Penalties for Hate Crimes Act.”  

PETITION: Julius Jones is innocent. Don’t let him be executed by the state of Oklahoma.

When Julius Jones was 19-years-old, he was convicted of a murder he says he did not commit. I need your help to save his life. Julius has lived on death row for almost 20 years, and is held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. He is allowed one hour of sunlight a day, and three showers a week. Every minute we wait to take action, Julius is suffering. Every second that goes by brings Julius closer to being executed for a crime he didn’t commit. 

PETITION: Willie Simmons has served 38 years for a $9 robbery

In 1982, Army veteran Willie Simmons, was prosecuted under Alabama’s habitual offender law. Mr. Simmons he had three prior convictions, one of which was for grand larceny. He told reporter Beth Shellbure the other two were for receiving stolen property.  At the time Mr. Simmons had become addicted to drugs while stationed overseas  He was convicted of 1st-degree robbery and sentenced to life without parole for stealing $9. Simmons has spent the last 38 years in prison. This is clearly a case of cruel and unjust punishment. Over the years Mr. Simmons has filed several appeals without any legal assistance. All of his appeals were denied, and based on a 2014 change in Alabama laws, it appears that he has no appeal options left.In the interest of justice Governor Kay Ivey should commute Mr. Simmons sentence. 

PETITION: Hands Up Act

We need legislation now that prohibits police officers from shooting unarmed citizens. If there isn’t a weapon found after someone has been shot (therefore, unarmed) by a police officer, then I propose that the officer should receive a mandatory 15-year prison sentence.

PETITION: Justice For Tamir Rice

More than a year after police shot and killed my 12-year-old cousin Tamir Rice as he played in a park with a toy gun, a grand jury declined to charge the officers who opened fire on Tamir in less than 2 seconds of arriving to the scene.

Take Action to End White Silence

In this moment, we need as many people in action as possible.  This is not just about George Floyd; it’s about Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery, and the centuries of violence against Black people and communities of color by the police.  It is about what happened in Central Park and a throughline to Trump and white supremacy.  This is an opportunity for us to change the conversation.  We are asking for something simple that everyone can do, show up at your police headquarters or city hall with a sign that says #endwhitesilence.  One person can do this or hundreds can.

Unicorn Riot

Over the past five years, Unicorn Riot has built a worker-managed non-profit media organization. We have worked tirelessly to build a platform that focuses on primary source reporting and on-the-ground coverage. Our reporters go where the story is unfolding to bring you the voices of real people alongside crucial context and facts. Please consider making a donation.