Search for Ironed Curtain and Second to None
The Presidio County Courthouse & 121 North Highland Avenue (Marfa, TX)
December 10, 2011 – March 10, 2012
Back to Nothing Beside Remains
The Presidio County Courthouse
320 North Highland Avenue
Marfa, TX 79843
121 North Highland Avenue
Marfa, TX 79843
As part of Nothing Beside Remains, Rocklen presented two projects: a new commission entitled Search for Ironed Curtain, wherein the artist installed a series of custom-made fabrics in windows throughout Marfa, creating a “painting” to be viewed from the turret of the Presidio County Courthouse, that spanned the town, and Second to None, a construction of discarded trophies installed at 121 North Highland Avenue.
Ry Rocklen is a Los Angeles-based artist who collects cast-off objects from the streets, dumps, or thrift stores and assembles and transforms them into sculptures. Rocklen therefore instills these objects with new meaning, distinct from the viewer’s preconceived perceptions of the objects’ former functions. Ry Rocklen has had solo exhibitions at UNTITLED, New York (2011); The University of Texas at Austin, Austin (2010); Parker Jones, Los Angeles (2009); Marc Jancou Contemporary, New York (2009); Bernier/Eliades, Athens (2008); Baronian Francey, Brussels (2008); among others. Selected group exhibitions include Home Show, Revisited, Santa Barbara Contemporary Arts Forum, Santa Barbara (2011); Rive Gauche/Rive Droite, Marc Jancou, Paris (2010); That Was Then, This is Now, PS. 1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City (2008); and The Whitney Biennial, Whitney Musem of American Art, New York (2008).
Second to None courtesy of the artist and UNTITLED, New York.
Specials thanks to the Marfa Chamber of Commerce and Marfa Realty.